Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Advice to Iranian Feminists

I just wanted to say this to Dr. Ebtekar and her fellow Reformist sisters and Muslim feminists:

This is your most opportune time to do GOOD for Iranian women, so I hope you take inspiration from Iran's ONE and ONLY Nobel Peace Laureate Shirin Ebadi and other courageous women who have tried to speak out.

If Imam Khomeini's own granddaughter (Zahra Eshraghi) dares to speak out against sexism in Iran, then politicians like Dr. Ebtekar and politicians' wives like Dr. Rahnavard (wife of former Prime Minister Mir Hossein Mousavi) shouldn't stay silent and continue to put up with the status quo anymore!

It's time for real change in Iran's Islamic Republic, and WOMEN are the ones who can bring that CHANGE!

Good Luck to you all!


Black Chador said...

Why would you quit blogging?
Iranian dictatorship just started a plan to create 10000 pro government blogs so we need people like you and me to go and post comments on their blogs. In addition we need to fight them from here because Mullah Dictators are filtering blogs that are initiated in Iran.

Anna said...

oh, i don't know? ... b/c i would like to one day visit Iran without worrying about being taken to jail????!!!! did you read that news about a blogger that was accused of espionage and taken to jail in Iran????? no thanks! i'm done with blogging!!!!

Black Chador said...

Maybe you are right and you should do what makes you feel comfortable but I think you are giving these uneducated Mullahs with counterfeit diplomas too much credit.
I know I will not put my foot back in Iran as long as these Mullahs rule our country. So, please allow me to do the talking for you and others.
I think we as Iranians have much bigger problems than being able to visit Iran securely. These Mullahs are killing our young people for just not liking what they say or what they write.