Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Advice to Iranian Feminists

I just wanted to say this to Dr. Ebtekar and her fellow Reformist sisters and Muslim feminists:

This is your most opportune time to do GOOD for Iranian women, so I hope you take inspiration from Iran's ONE and ONLY Nobel Peace Laureate Shirin Ebadi and other courageous women who have tried to speak out.

If Imam Khomeini's own granddaughter (Zahra Eshraghi) dares to speak out against sexism in Iran, then politicians like Dr. Ebtekar and politicians' wives like Dr. Rahnavard (wife of former Prime Minister Mir Hossein Mousavi) shouldn't stay silent and continue to put up with the status quo anymore!

It's time for real change in Iran's Islamic Republic, and WOMEN are the ones who can bring that CHANGE!

Good Luck to you all!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

America's Spring of Freedom

Free At Last, Free At Last, Thank God Almighty, They Are Free At Last!

America just voted the FIRST ever black president into the White House, but as we see in the reactions of the people from all over the world, Barack Obama is not only the president elect of the United States of America, he is identified as the President of the World!

Why? Because not only African Americans and every single person in the world who knows anything about America's Civil Rights struggles of the 1960s see in him the realization of Martin Luther King's DREAM, not only the entire population of the African continent see in him the vindication of their ancestors who were treated as subhuman possessions of the White English "gentlemen" savagely stealing and taking them to the New World as slaves, but also because almost ALL Muslims (the ordinary, God fearing, moderate Muslims who have no terrorism on their minds) identify with Obama and call him "One of Us"!!!!!

Simply by electing Barack Hussein Obama, America has just closed up all terrorist recruiting shops for AlQaeda, and ALSO, it empowered freedom seeking, pro-democracy reformists in Iran to stand up to the likes of Ahmadinejad!!!!

Contrary to what most anti-Obama Republicans tried to do by scaring the American people of this great man's middle-name, it is PRECISELY due to his Muslim roots and his middle-name that actually the world's extremist, fundamentalist, radical hate-mongers who don't even make up 0.1% of the Muslim world's population of 1 billion, will NOW have no leverage or credibility with their anti-American rhetoric!

Why? Because NOW the uneducated Muslim masses (who are very similar to the HATEFUL uneducated racist masses in America's deep south, among them 2 neo-Nazis who actually tried to assassinate him), the ones who have bought their leaders' nonsense about the dysfunctional nature of Western Democracy, can just point to America's PROOF (i.e., Obama's victory) to the contrary NOW and say: "but if that's NOT really a democracy, then how could a black man with a Muslim middle-name get elected to the highest office?"

This is a historic moment not only for Americans, not only for African Americans, not only for minorities in the United States of America, but for every SINGLE Human Being all over the world who EVER had a dream, ever dreamed of one day tasting the sweetness of Justice and Freedom, and every single person who has ever had the Audacity to Hope for a better tomorrow!

I for one (a Persian Canadian "Citizen of the World"), in the morning after that HISTORIC night, when I woke up on November 5th, in a +15 degrees Celsius Spring-like weather (not a normal occurrence in Canada!!!!!!!), had ONE song playing over and over again in my head, and that's the song that I remember (as a 9 year old wide-eyed exuberant kid, watching the beginning of the formation of a brand new Republic on the FIRST ever Referendum Day in Iran of 1979) being played on the radio, the song that our entire nation was singing all day long on that glorious day:

Doctor Mohammad-e Mossadegh, Mossadegh, mobaarez-e bozorg, Mossadegh, mobaarez-e bozorg! dar bahaar-e azaadi, jaaye Mossadegh khaali, jaaye Mossadegh khaali!

I guess my subconscious went back to that song because I was thinking about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and how the Americans must be missing him now! So, I started to sing that same melody with these words:

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Dr. King, revolutionary man, Dr. King, revolutionary man! It is the "Spring of Freedom", we wish Dr. King was here, we wish Dr. King was here!

I really couldn't contain myself! I started imagining that today is the day that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s spirit up in heaven, together with the spirits of Mahatma Gandhi and Patrice Lumumba and John F. Kennedy and Bobby Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln and many many more heroes of HUMANITY, are all having a celebration up there with God Almighty!
Then I thought of our Iranian heroes and martyrs who must also be invited to that bash, like Amir Kabir, Dr. Mossadegh, Mohandess Bazargan, Dr. Shariati, Dr. Chamran, Ayatollah Taleghani, ..., and then I sighed, thinking sadly that probably it won't be too long before this group of heavenly angels will have other heroes like Nelson Mandela and Teddy Kennedy, and Grand Ayatollah Montazeri, and Dr. Ebrahim Yazdi joining them up there in that garden of Eden.
I'm glad President Mandela and Senator Kennedy have already gotten the recognition and honoring that they deserve from their people, but can Iranians be allowed to honor such revolutionary heroes as Dr. Yazdi and Ayatollah Montazeri before they leave us behind?!

November 5th 2008 is the day HOPE is born in the world, and I think it has the potential to be the day that Iranians' "Spring of Freedom" in 1979 finally gets a chance to breathe its fresh air into the wet soil of humanity and see flowers of FREEDOM bloom!
It can be the day the Iranian revolution can begin anew, to reform itself, to reorient itself in the direction that its martyrs and founding fathers had in mind, and the freedom loving people of Iran can start to HOPE that they can join their brothers and sisters around the world in screaming:
Yes We Can!

God Bless Barack Hussein Obama!
God Bless Seyyed Mohammad Khatami!
Long Live Freedom and Democracy for ALL!

Now, ...

In the spirit of seeking FREEDOM for Iranians, I would like to refine some of the predictions I made in my previous post here (about Iran's 10th presidential elections next June):

I still maintain that President Khatami will not nominate himself (because Iranians need him as their 3rd Supreme Leader one day), but also I still stand by what I read from that picture of him standing between Dr. Aref on one side and Dr. Zarif on the other! I still think he wants to endorse Dr. Aref as the Reformist candidate for presidency next year and recommend Dr. Zarif as his potential Foreign Minister. But what I would like to tell President Khatami is this:

Sir, I understand that in our Eastern culture, AGE and seniority is a very important virtue to be highly considered in all positions of power, which is why you will think of Dr. Aref or Dr. Kharrazi before you would ever recommend a 48 year old young man like Dr. Zarif for the job of president, but remember Dr. Martin Luther King's expression:

The Fierce Urgency of Now!

This was the reason Teddy Kennedy endorsed a 47 year old Barack Obama, and now that he is the leader of the FREE world, with whom Iran would like to one day have those "grand bargain" negotiations (about which you faxed George W. Bush in 2003), don't you think Iranians should send a counterpart who UNDERSTANDS America, understands the western culture PERFECTLY, is already considered by American politicians and scholars as "the MOST brilliant diplomat in the world", is called by western journalists "a suave looking Iranian who speaks with a flawless American accent", and has already made personal connections with President Obama's future cabinet members, such as Chuck Hagel? (the second picture in the page below)


Dear President Khatami,
PLEASE endorse Dr. Javad Zarif for president, PLEASE ask all your friends (like Mr. Rafsanjani and Karroubi and others) to endorse him, and make sure ALL Iranian voters know of the AMAZING service he has done to his country by saving Iran from the war mongering intentions of John Bolton, Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney who said on the eve of Iraq's invasion:

"Everybody wants to go to Baghdad, but REAL men want to go to Tehran"!

Dear Iranian Youth,
Let's start a grassroots online campaign for Dr. Zarif, (something like the www.barackobama.com) and URGE him to run, URGE the elder leaders of Iran's pro-democracy movement to endorse him, and organize the ground operations needed to get ALL Iranians on board and have them learn about who this great man is!

I wrote many blogs on my.barackobama.com over the past 21 months, and underneath them all I always wrote "Obama All The Way", I will now dedicate that slogan to Dr. Zarif!

Zarif All The Way!